Court Summons for the Coronation of Matthias and Æsa Feilinn

To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom,

Aelia Bassina
Aloysius Sartore

Danielle Bird

Deirdre Greenwode

Dis in Rauda

Eleanor of Grey

Faelynn of Malagentia

Fayette des Rothenburg
Keziah Planchet

Laura Frudelen

Luchia Del Mar

Mægwynn filia Brun

Rhonwyn Alyva Nic an Chrosan

Sara al-Garnatiyya

Talan ap Gueiluirth

have been compeared, commanded and summoned

by precepts of Clare Constat, in liege postie, 

to the Royal Eastern court of  

Matthias and Feilinn

at the Coronation of Matthias and Æsa Feilinnon October 14

in the Province of Malagentia.

Scroll with Court Summons for Coronation. It reads 'To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom,

Aelia Bassina
Aloysius Sartore
Danielle Bird
Deirdre Greenwode
Dis in Rauda
Eleanor of Grey
Faelynn of Malagentia
Fayette des Rothenburg
Keziah Planchet
Laura Frudelen
Luchia Del Mar
Mægwynn filia Brun
Rhonwyn Alyva Nic an Chrosan
Sara al-Garnatiyya
Talan ap Gueiluirth
have been compeared, commanded and summoned
by precepts of Clare Constat, in liege postie, 
to the Royal Eastern court of  

Matthias and Feilinn

at the Coronation of Matthias and Æsa Feilinn
on October 14 in the Province of Malagentia.'
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