To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom,
Aharon ben Ze’ev
Arabella Gordon
Caitrina Gordon, called Katya
Chana Freidl the Maker
Charis Accipiter
Collin Monro of Tadcaster
Culann mac Cianain
Eanraig the Bonesetter
Eldrich Gaiman
Eva Vach Wyllt
Garrath of Arden a/k/a Garreth of Arden
Iseaulte of the Clews
Lu An-Hua
Magnus mac Gillean
Mikael melrakki
Mægwynn filia Brun
Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi
Salvia Angelii
Simon Tanner a/k/a Simon the Tanner
Tachibana no Hiromasa
Tobias Gordon
Wojtek z Wisny
Yasamin al-Sardaniyya
have been compeared, commanded and summoned
by precepts of Clare Constat, in liege postie,
to the Royal Eastern court of
Matthias and Feilinn
At Mudthaw on March 23rd in the Barony of Settmour Swamp.