Court Summons for 100 Minutes

Scroll with SCA East Kingdom king and queen devices. Between it is text that reads, "East Kingdom Court Summons. 100 Minutes on Nov 18th"

11/10 EDITOR’S NOTE: This has been updated with an additional summon, highlighting the AM court summons, and a letter from the Eastern Crown Herald.

To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom,

Aaron the Swift

Abu-Darzin Ibrahim al-Rashid

Alger von Ze’ev (AM court, rapier field)

Aziza Andrade (AM court, rapier field)

Ciarán Úa Baoighill

Chamilius of La Familia Gladiatoria

Daeglan O’Morain

Enrique de Acosta (10 AM court, rattan field)

Freodhoric Ainslie

Gwenhoivar of Lindley

Martina de la Rosa

Paddy Panekake

Pandarus (10AM, court, rattan field)

Rafi al-Qasid

Serilda die Stollen


Yin Jinyu (AM court, rapier field)

Zahra de Andaluzia

have been compeared, commanded and summoned by precepts of Clare Constat, in liege postie, to the Royal Eastern court of  

Matthias and Feilinn
At 100 Minutes on November 18th in the Shire of Rusted Woodlands.


To all good and noble persons attending 100 Minutes War, please take note. Their Majesties will be conducting at brief morning Court at 10 a.m. on the rattan field, at which time they wish to see Enrique de Acosta and Pandarus.

Immediately upon concluded Court on the rattan field, Their Majesties will walk to the rapier field, and there convene a second morning Court at which they wish to see Aziza Andrade, Alger von Ze’ev, and Yin Jinyu. All other persons named in their summons should plan on attending Their Majesties in the 5 p.m. Court, as should all other persons who may have business with them (newcomers, children for the Toybox, etc.).

Please note that these are real times, not “SCA time.”

-Alys Mackyntoich, Eastern Crown Herald

Scroll with the names of those summoned to 100 Minutes court.
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