
Scroll that reads, 'East Kingdom Court Summons: Coronation on Oct 14th'

Court Summons for the Coronation of Matthias and Æsa Feilinn

To our glorious populace of the East Kingdom, Aelia BassinaAloysius Sartore Danielle Bird Deirdre Greenwode Dis in Rauda Eleanor of Grey Faelynn of Malagentia Fayette des RothenburgKeziah Planchet Laura Frudelen Luchia Del Mar Mægwynn filia Brun Rhonwyn Alyva Nic an Chrosan Sara al-Garnatiyya Talan ap Gueiluirth have been compeared, commanded and summoned by precepts of …

Court Summons for the Coronation of Matthias and Æsa Feilinn Read More »

TRH Still Searching for Event Bids & Exchequer Applications!

Their Royal Highnesses, Matthias (he/him) and Æsa feilinn (she/her), Prince and Princess of the East, are fresh from their return journey from Pennsic and  shifting their attention once again to their upcoming winter reign. But they need the help of the East Kingdom populace! Firstly, they’re still in need of bids for the following kingdom-required …

TRH Still Searching for Event Bids & Exchequer Applications! Read More »

Selective map of the East Kingdom on an old parchment paper. The devices of the prince and princess are also on there. In the middle of the map is an X with dotted lines leading to several question marks around the map.

Call for Bids: Royal Progress Road Trip

Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Matthias Grunewald (he/him) and Princess Feilinn Jossursdottir (she/her), desire to travel the great baronies, shires, and cantons of the East Kingdom in a royal road trip. To make that possible, they need events to attend! Specifically, Their Highnesses seek bids for the following events for the upcoming autumn and winter season: …

Call for Bids: Royal Progress Road Trip Read More »

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